Patrick Henry

  Patrick Henry, an American political leader, Born May 29, 1736 in Hanover Country Virginia.  He failed at being a storekeeper and a farmer.  However in 1763 he won fame, after his impassioned pleading in the Parsons’ Cause a case where he defended to change the price of tobacco.
Soon Patrick Henry entered the House of Burgesses, as an Orator it gave him influence on legislature throughout his life.  After the Stamp Act, he introduced a set of radical resolutions to the British Parliaments usurpation of powers in the Colonial Legislature, which had the power to tax. He supported with a speech ending “Caesar had his Brutus—Charles the first his Cromwell—and George 3—may he profit from there example” made Patrick Henry Famous. 
Henry was the point of Virginias British policy.  As a member of the congress, he called on the colonists to arm themselves, with the words: 

“…As for me, give me Liberty, or give me Death!”

With the outbreak of the Revolution Henry became commander in chief of the Virginia Troops.  But he soon became prevented from actively exercising by state leaders who considered him too erratic.  He continued in the legislature helping draft in the first constitution.  In June of 1776 he was elected Governor; in his position which was in tell 1779, he supported the war.  Henry served as Governor again from 1784 to 1786.  As years passed his fear of the French revolution, which brought him to support the Federalist Party.  Just before his death, on June 6, 1799 he was elected State Legislature.