Benedict Arnold

Benedict Arnold was born on January 14, 1741 in Norwich, Connecticut. He was full of energy, after almost losing a leg for America, Benedict Arnold expected more, the family fortunes were good for a while, but some poor business deals caused some financial problems for the family. Arnold's father turned to the taverns for solace. Arnold attended school at Canterbury. While there, some of his siblings died from the Yellow Fever.

 In an act that has made his name famous, with treason in American history, Benedict Arnold conspired to turn his command of West Point over to the British. For that, he was to receive money and become a general in the British army. His treason was discovered when Major Andre, his British contact, was captured. Andre was reluctantly hung as a spy.

Untrained stupid equipped troops frustrated Arnold, so he used his own money and time to train patriot forces. In May 1775, he helped send an attack on the small British fort of Ticonderoga. A bloodless victory made his appetite for military maneuvering and led to Washington appointing him commander of 1,100 men for a campaign against Quebec. Three hundred fifty miles the troops trudged through rain, snow, and ice, reduced to eating candles, dogs, and shoe leather.